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Birding Tours In Jamaica

Written by Serena Shah | May 13, 2015 3:16:00 PM

Birding tours in Jamaica are a great way to see magnificent bird life and experience the diversity of the island. Test to see if this text updates

What are some of the birds you might see? Well, Jamaica has 324 species of birds and only 28 of those are endemic to Jamaica. You might be familiar with the Red-Billed Streamertail (Trochilus polytmus) also known as a doctor bird. It has a beautiful long streamertail is really a sight to see when whizzing 
through the air from flower to flower. If you are so lucky to capt
ure a photo  feel free to send it my way. I love to see photos of them!  Another favorite bird of  mine is the Jamaican Tody (Todus todus). Todies are very small birds, they range in weight from 5 to 7 g and in length from 10 to 11.5 cm. They are also hard to spot because they blend in with the lush greenery around them. There is a chance that you will catch a gimps of a red smudge among a green shrub and it just might be the bird your looking for so keep a sharp eye out. Both the Doctor bird and the Tody  are endemic to Jamaica.
Joining a birding tour is fun and a great way to learn how to identify birds by sight and call. Most tours suggest you dedicate 5-7 days. Birding is something you can do all over the island so don't feel like you have to be in just one area. If you don't have 5-7 days or just want a quick birding tour that is definitely an option. The Natural History Society of Jamaica is a great resource. They often go on excursions (not only birding) and they have knowledgeable birding enthusiast among their group. 
Before you go off birding don't forget your bird list!

Birding Tour Checklist: Endemic Birds of Jamaica

Crested Quail-Dove (Geotrygon versicolor)
Ring-Tailed Pigeon (Patagioenas caribaea)
Black-Billed Parrot (Amazona agilis)
Yellow-Billed Parrot (Amazona collaria)
Chestnut-Bellied Cuckoo (Coccyzus pluvialis)
Jamaican Lizard Cuckoo (Coccyzus vetula)
Jamaican Owl (Pseudoscops grammicus)
Black-Billed Streamertail (Trochilus scitulus)
Jamaican Mango (Anthracothorax mango)
Red-Billed Streamertail (Trochilus polytmus)
Jamaican Tody (Todus todus)
Jamaican Woodpecker (Melanerpes radiolatus)
Jamaican Becard (Pachyramphus niger)
Jamaican Elaenia (Myiopagis cotta)
Jamaican Pewee (Contopus pallidus)
Rufous-Tailed Flycatcher (Myiarchus validus)
Sad Flycatcher (Myiarchus barbirostris)
White-Chinned Thrush (Turdus aurantius)
White-Eyed Thrush (Turdus jamaicensis)
Jamaican Crow (Corvus jamaicensis)
Blue Mountain Vireo (Vireo osburni)
Jamaican Vireo (Vireo modestus)
Jamaican Euphonia (Euphonia Jamaica)
Arrow-Headed Warbler (Dendroica pharetra)
Jamaican Spindalis (Spindalis nigricephala)
Orangequit (Euneornis campestris)
Yellow-Shouldered Grassquit (Loxipasser anoxanthus)
Jamaican Blackbird (Nesopsar nigerrimus)